Events - Event View
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About this event
ONTARIO SIG Coordinator: Gerry Poulton
The Ontario SIG welcomes all members who are researching their family history in Ontario, Canada.
NOTE: Members must join this and other
Special Interest Groups to receive emails from SIG volunteers containing SIG meeting details.
VGS Learning and Research Centre
209 - 4475 Viewmont Avenue
Victoria, BC V8Z 6L8
SIG Coordinator(s)
Gerry Poulton
SIG Leader
Registration Info
Registration is not Required
Please arrive early so that the event can start on time.
SIGs are free to current VGS members.
Registration for individual SIG meetings is not required.
This SIG is scheduled monthly, currently on the 3rd Wednesday, 10:30 am to 12:00 noon.
Hybrid meeting format - attend either in person at the Centre, or virtually.
Schedule is subject to change. Check calendar for updates.