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Victoria Genealogical Society
HomeInternational Genealogy Links

International Genealogy Links


Here are just of few International genealogy resource sites  that we or our viewers have found useful.   They are listed alphabetically by country.

Our policy is to only include links to free sites on this page.  

Take advantage of these free online resources to further your genealogical research.

Australia Genealogy

Australia National Archives - Family History
Australia Newspaper Archive - Trove
Australian Cemeteries
Australian Dictionary of Biographies
Convict Records of Australia
Genealogical Society of Victoria Inc. - our "sister" society "down under"
Society of Australian Genealogists
University of Melbourne Archives
Public Record Office Victoria AU

Canada Genealogy

Please visit these separate pages to access our Canadian research links:

BC Genealogy Links  Canada Genealogy Links

England & United Kingdom Genealogy

Access to Archives - Access records held by The National Archives and more than 2,500 other archives across the country.
Ask About Ireland - Search the Griffith's Valuation records.
Dusty Docs - Parish Registers & Resources links for England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, Channel, Isle of Man
England Parish Registers and Phillimore Marriages - from UK Genealogy Archives
English to Canada - English emigration to 8 of Canada's provinces, historic outline 
Find a will - search on for wills and probate 1858 to present
Free BMD - England and Wales Civil Registration index of births, marriages and deaths, starting 1837
FreeCEN - UK Census Online Project
FreeREG - UK Parish and Non-Conformist Registers Project
Genealogy Links - Huge link site for many countries at
General Register Office (GRO) Birth and Death Index - England and Wales;  free login required to search and/or order certificates
GenUKI - A VERY comprehensive and detailed genealogy reference site for UK and Ireland
Ireland Genealogy Projects - links to lots of resources organized by counties in Ireland
Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives - additional links organized by counties
Ireland - National Archives
Irish Genealogy Toolkit - links to 10 free Irish sites
Irish - Timeline Genealogy in Ireland - A beginners guide to Tracing your Irish Ancestors Online
London Gazette, The Gazette - UK newspaper, official public record since 1665 - free index with images
Maps - UK Georeferenced Historical Maps - an extensive collection from the National Library of Scotland.   Powerful search options by place name, National Grid reference, category and map series. Easily compare to modern day map by altering transparency of historical map overlays.
National Archives - Home page.
Online Parish Clerks - Free service provided by volunteers who have detailed resources for individual parishes. Coverage limited.
Scots to Canada - Scottish emigration to Canada, historic outline, resource links and ship lists
UK Genealogy Archives - a wide range of UK databases including Wills & Probate, Census, Phillimore Marriages, Parish Registers, Biographies, Family Trees, WW1, Phone Books,Heraldry etc.

New Zealand Genealogy

New Zealand links from CoraWeb

Poland Genealogy

Genealogical Searches Sławomir Worwąg - Polish records on microfilm; film and lookup service (some fees may apply).  Use Google Translate if you can't read Polish.

USA Genealogy

American Historical Society of Germans From Russia - links to Chapters in various States.
Ellis Island and Statue of Liberty History and Facts
Ellis Island History and Links
Genealogy Resources by State - from
Historical US County Boundary Maps - interactive tool for present day places and historical dates to 2000, courtesy of Randy Majors
Atlas of Historical Boundaries  -  interactive maps of the USA states over time
Map of US  - historical atlases and maps of US and States
National Archives - extensive resources for those researching ancestors in the USA
New York City - History, Facts and Quotes, with links
Passenger Lists - Finding Your Family from Ship's Passenger Lists, with focus on United States and Canadian records 
US GenWeb Project - provides links to national projects and all the state genealogy websites which, in turn, provide gateways to their counties
US State History - a list of web resources that provide digital access to a broad array of primary source materials at the state level - general-interest portals to historical resources.

Don't forget to search using Google.  You may also find more genealogy resources on YouTube.

For those with a free Facebook account, also check out the multitude of Facebook pages and groups that focus on genealogy, history and locations (links not listed here).