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Victoria Genealogical Society
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About this event

The focus of the CSI SIG will be on researching items that have been donated to the VGS, which have an identifiable family connection (i.e. a name on them). Learn to pull out clues by careful observation, think logically about them and then search for answers in the many databases we have available to us, all the while collaborating with others.

The skills you learn here can then be applied to your own research, giving you more sources to consider and building a clearer picture of your family.

The aim is to return found items to their families, when possible.

Held only at the VGS Centre.  Not available via Zoom.

NOTE: Members must join this and other Special Interest Groups to receive emails from SIG leaders containing SIG meeting details.

Date and Time

Tuesday, September 17, 2024, 7:00 PM until 8:30 PM


VGS Learning and Research Centre
209 - 4475 Viewmont Avenue
Victoria, BC  V8Z 6L8

SIG Coordinator(s)

Melanie Arscott
SIG Coordinator



Registration Info

Registration is not Required
Please arrive early so that the event can start on time.
SIGs are free to active VGS members.
Registration for individual SIG meetings is not required.
This SIG is scheduled monthly, currently on the 3rd Tuesday, 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm.
Schedule is subject to change. Check calendar for updates.


15 Total Slots