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HomeEventsIntroduction to RootsMagic - Gerry Poulton

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Introduction to RootsMagic - Gerry Poulton

RootsMagic is one of the popular family tree software tools that can help both beginners and experienced professionals research, organize, and share their family history.   

Gerry will explore the basics of this RootsMagic genealogy program for keeping track of your family history.  Roots Magic 9 was released within the past year and he will cover updates and new features that this version offers.  If time permits, he will also address Roots Magic 10, which has just come out.

Whether you already have RootMagic, or you want to learn more about it first, this informative workshop will be of help.  RootsMagic is inexpensive and is available for Windows and MacOS systems, with a free trial option.

Gerald (Gerry) Poulton
I began genealogical searching in the days of microfilms, microfiche and paper records when little was on line or indexed. As information became more and more readily available, I have become more familiar with searching and have been actively involved in research for more than thirty years.
I am a member of several genealogical societies and volunteer at the Victoria Genealogical Society’s Learning and Research Centre every week. I have also been making presentations and workshops on a variety of topics for more than fifteen years. My heritage is England (Devon, London), Ireland, Germany and Ontario, so those are the areas with which I am most familiar. And, no, my tree is not complete!
I was born and raised in Saskatchewan, and in a previous life taught Chemistry at the University of Victoria for nearly 40 years.

Saturday, September 21, 2024, 10:00 AM until 12:00 PM Pacific Time (US & Canada) (UTC-08:00)
VGS Learning and Research Centre
209 - 4475 Viewmont Avenue
Victoria, BC  V8Z 6L8

Videoconference information will be provided in an email once payment is received.
Additional Info:
Event Coordinator(s):
Mark Thompson
Event Coordinator
Registration is required
Payment In Full In Advance Only
This is a hybrid event. You must register to attend EITHER In-Person OR via Zoom. In-Person space is limited.

When registering, please review the "My Registration" section at the bottom of the "Event Registration - Who's Attending" screen, and be sure to select the appropriate attendance option.

Reminder emails will be sent to you before the event.

On the day of the event, please be sure to arrive 10 or 15 minutes early to get settled or to login and verify video connections before the event.
Registration cancellations will be accepted
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